[Salon] Russian tourist flows to Seychelles and the New World Order


Seychelles may now rival Thailand as the preferred winter resort destination in the tropics for middle and upper class Russians. Tourist statistics published by the Seychelles authorities two weeks ago show that Russians have now become the single largest contingent of arrivals, displacing the French and Germans.

How are we to understand this phenomenon?  There are some obvious and also some less evident reasons.

Among the most obvious reasons is the visa-free regime that Seychelles offer to Rusians. Less obvious but equally important is the excellent logistical solution put in place by Emirates Airlines and other carriers based on the Arabian peninsula.

Back in December, I was surprised that Emirates opened daily flights of their Boeing 777s from Petersburg to Dubai.  They had previously been flying daily from Moscow, where there is greater wealth and a much larger population concentrated.  How many Petersburgers would be won over by “Shop Dubai!” advertising, I wondered.

However, the Emirates were busy positioning themselves as a key transportation hub for Russians keen to travel the world in these times when European air space and carriers are closed to them. Dubai is safer than Istanbul, given that Turkish Airlines apparently persist in flying the short route home over Ukraine (whereas Aeroflot flies way to the East incurring greater time in the air and costs reflected in ticket prices). From Dubai, it is a short 4 hour hop to Seychelles.

Meanwhile, the economy class airport at Sharjah, just outside the Dubai city line, brings in Russian flights from provincial cities across the Federation. I know: I saw the arrivals/departures notices there when I made my own side trip to Oman three weeks ago. These arrivals will likely continue their international voyages from Dubai Interntional.

It pays to mention that the owners of Emirates Airlines also have multiple interests in the travel of their passengers.  Most of the international luxury hotels in Seychelles are owned by the investment funds of the Emirates. The one big exception on Mahe, Hotel Savoy, is said to be owned by Russians. 

The most visible symbol of the Arab presence in Seychelles is the vacation palace complex atop the hills overlooking the capital city of Victoria on Mahe. This was built in 2010 by Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed of Abu Dhabi. As I have been told, it sits where there once was a U.S. listening base for the Indian Ocean region. I surmise that the big Russian ‘yacht’ now parked permanently outside the port of Victoria performs that very same function.  Times change…

If I may tie up the Russian-Emirates knot, since the start of the Special Military Operation in Ukraine in February 2022, the Emirates have been among the greatest beneficiaries of the spike in oil and gas prices that resulted from Western sanctions on Russia. And along with other Opec members they have drawn significantly closer to Russia and more distant from the USA in their foreign policy orientation The sheikhs are a keen-eyed, realistic bunch. I take this to mean that they are siding with the ones they expect to win the war.. Meanwhile in a related development, Russia has added the UAE dirham to its foreign currency reserves.

I close this entry  by offering the link to a panel discussion of latest developments in international diplomacy surrounding the Russia-Ukraine war. Our hosts were Iran’s Press TV.

NATO wants Seoul to reverse arms exports policy

©Gilbert Doctorow, 2023

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